In late 2018, I had the privilege of starting a podcast with my childhood best-friend and longtime collaborator Michael Capurso. We were both at a point in our lives where we weren't able to see each other quite as often as we would have liked to at that time, and we felt that starting and running a podcast together would be a great way to change that. As such, we created The Media Obscura Podcast, a show dedicated to watching and reviewing/bantering about retro/obscure movies and television.
Working on the show with Mike has been one of the greatest honors of my life, and it's been a great testing ground for us to talk about movies, art, and most of all, hone our skills as improv comedians.
Since then, we've released an episode every week, along with promotional clips on our shows instagram page, and appeared on a handful of other great podcasts. On top of that, we briefly found ourselves on Apple Podcasts Top 20 for Film Review podcasts, and welcomed another longtime writing/acting collaborator of mine, Raekwon Davis, onto the show as a second co-host.
We release new episodes every Sunday on every major podcast player. For a complete list of places we're hosted, check out